cost per lead 2.50
new deals affiliate program
cost per acquisition 80
new deals affiliate program
cost per lead 2.50
cost per acquisition 80

Partner with the Best
Join Our Top-Ranked Affiliate Program

The perfect platform tailored to your needs



Custom-made banners tailored to your specifications

landing pages

Landing pages

Promote our programs with our high-performing
landing pages.

register tools

Register tools

Increase leads with our various easy-to-use registration tools.

profile tools

Profile tools

Entice users by drawing their attention to user profiles.

Detailed statistics and Reporting:

report sheet
search magnifying glass
reporting graph

Advance reporting to get a clear picture of how your efforts drive revenue.

API: Easily search and read extended details from thousands of profiles and associated media content.

Get in touch with us
team person image


faq icon

What kind of reporting and analytics will be available to me, and how often will I receive reports?

Once you get approved by one of our account managers, you will receive access to our platform. We do provide you with all the necessary metrics you need to optimise your campaigns.

faq icon

What are the program’s terms and conditions, and are there any restrictions on how I can promote the products or services?

We do accept all major traffic sources. Please speak with your personal account manager to let you know about the best-performing sources.

faq icon

What are the program’s terms and conditions, and are there any restrictions on how I can promote the products or services?

We do accept all major traffic sources. Please speak with your personal account manager to let you know about the best-performing sources.

faq icon

Are there any marketing materials or tools provided to help me promote the products or services effectively?

Yes, we can offer on-request customizable banners, landing pages and iframe solutions to feed our content to your site.

faq icon

Are there any minimum sales requirements that I need to meet to remain in the program?


faq icon

Is there a cookie duration or attribution period, and how long does it last?

We have a 30-day cookie duration.

faq icon

How are refunds and chargebacks handled, and how do they affect my commissions?

Our chargeback ratio is below the average standard of the industry. We accumulate any chargeback that may occur and your commission will not be affected.

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Are there any discounts that I can offer my audience as an affiliate?

To incentivize our users to buy more from time to time, we offer discounts and promo codes. Ask your affiliate manager for any upcoming promos.

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Is there a tiered commission structure where I can earn higher commissions based on performance?

Of course, the more sales you generate, the more you earn.

Let’s get you all registered for the AW Affiliates

Click on each box below to enter your information.
Who I am:
I am interested in:
Promotional Methods:
What is your level:
How many sales do you generate per month
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